Are you shopping for the BEST chickens in Texas? It's my goal to offer the best chickens in Texas but to also provide education and support from years of my farming experience and knowledge. Get set-up its fast, free, and easy! We are centrally located in Texas and have chickens, hens and chicks near you!
Are you just getting started and need some "eggspert" advice? Call to set an appointment for a personal "eggsperience" farm tour to learn the truth about raising chickens and getting your hobby started right the from your very first batch and flock of chickens.
Serving Texas Since 2008
*** NEW! *** Blue Star Ranch now has LGD (livestock guardian dogs) PUPPIES are ready for sale
We have Kangal Anatolian puppies as available to qualified farms or homesteads that need working dogs and predator protection for your chickens, sheep or goats. The Kangals - Anatolians dog breed are the BEST family protection dogs too. Kangal - Anatolians are large gentle dogs, very loving and protective of your children, livestock and make wonderful family pets too.
All of our puppies (are still learning) and raised to be ALREADY PRE-TRAINED to protect chickens on your farm!
Originally bred to protect livestock such as sheep and cattle, the Kangal-Anatolian defends against predators like wolves, bears, and other scavengers. In this video, we will show you "Ferocious Kangal Attacking Moments Caught on Camera." This amazing predator protection dog is second to no other farm and family protection dog - anywhere. See video for proof. This is a must see video!
Chickens for Sale Houston Texas | Blue Star Ranch Chickens | Backyard Chickens
So if you want to start a fun and recreational backyard hobby, or if you want to start your own poultry business, Blue Star Ranch is the best choice you can make as we offer a good selection of the most popular breeds of chickens, hens, and pullets.
We sell chickens, feed, fresh farm eggs, and poultry supplies.
Call ahead is preferred * NO DROP-IN'S! * (due to changing farm schedule)
If you wish to just come and learn about chickens or to just "look around" we offer farm tours and can answer your pre-purchase questions before you are ready to take home your new pets (click here for info)
For all chicken owners: (and especially new customers just getting started with chickens and coops) Put a farmer in your pocket with this! New at Blue Star Ranch, SEE OUR NEW SPECIALS (OR) Optional Offer- 911 Hen & Coop Support for ONE FULL YEAR - And That Costs Less Than 14 CENTS PER Day!!! Phone, video, text and email practical knowledge and farm support for your chicken hobby.
Are you new to chickens? Blue Star Ranch really is the best place to start your hobby. With over 15 years of farm and business knowledge in the poultry market, we are able to get your coop and hens set up right the very first time! So if you are shopping for chickens, be sure to use caution and shop carefully when gathering advice or buying chickens from novice hobbyists or breeders!
Here at Blue Star Ranch, we offer "eggspert" ™ advice on our website for the raising and care of natural healthy cage-free chickens. It's my goal to not only offer the best chickens in Texas but to provide education and support from years of farming experience and knowledge. Further, Blue Star Ranch supports the zero-waste program that reduces food waste.
Chickens for Sale Near Me Texas | Blue Star Ranch Chickens | Backyard Chickens
Best Shopping Practices when looking for poultry for sale. (click here)
(LET ME REPEAT!) SCAMS for purchasing chicks, pullets or hens online for shipping. Or, too-low prices for chickens. Several times weekly we get calls from shoppers that have purchased chickens online and they were scammed on their credit cards for online orders, or else some unfortunate shoppers did not receive baby chicks (they get a "back order" reply! after the purchase!) or, the online businesses that they ordered chicks from are simply "fake websites"
Truth: most real chicken hatcheries and quality businesses are SOLD OUT very early in the spring!
Do be aware in some backyard chicken sellers will buy old egged-out hens from egg production factories out of state and sell them here in Texas as "new layers." In many cases, some dealers and growers of chickens will sell to you "young roosters" that look like hens! BEWARE! of these sellers -
We offer an optional hen guarantee in writing here at Blue Star Ranch. PLUS - Learn more about our 100% guaranteed rooster replacement return! (Click Here)
Use caution when finding any sellers that advertise chickens for sale "REAL cheep cheep!" This is not a good choice as many of these chickens are used up, older, or possibly sick battery hens that were considered the "cull" chickens sold to resellers in batches of unwanted old factory hens. BEWARE! SHOPPERS BEWARE!
Know your sellers track record and use wise judgement when shopping for chickens now as there are many new and just-starting chicken hobbyists. There is a HUGE chicken boom as there are financial changes ahead and our economy is changing. So, basically, anyone with an incubator, and a few fertile eggs who watch Youtube videos are likely to become self-proclaimed "experts" Be sure to purchase chickens from people that you trust and beware of many online "baby chicks" scams selling poultry. Most real hatcheries are sold out for many months very early in the spring!
Sometimes, new sellers of chickens do not have a history of success. Know where your chicks/hens are from and how they are being raised! Make sure that you look at the facility where your chicks/hens are being raised. If potential sellers will not let you view the farm/barns or cages? This is a RED FLAG! Beware of this seller!
WE HAVE BATCHES OF UPCOMING AND NEW YOUNG P.O.L. (POINT OF LAY) LAYERS - NOW 5 - 6 MONTHS OLD! - PLUS- All of our chickens are treated with the following care and medications (CLICK HERE)
Now at Blue Star Ranch, you can choose all ages of poultry.
Chickens for Sale Houston Texas | Blue Star Ranch Chickens | Backyard Chickens
Not all breeds and colors of chickens are available year-round so some breeds may not be available during the fall and winter seasons. Many chicken breeds are considered "seasonal" and not readily available all year. From baby chicks to started pullets. (young hens not laying yet) here at Blue Star Ranch, we have the most popular breeds of chickens for sale.
04/24/2024: - Easter Eggers (Pullets & Straight Run) Olive Eggers (Straight Run) Buff Orpingtons (Pullets) Rhode Islands/Production Reds Assorted Sex Link Black/ Brown/Red/Gold) Plymouth Barred Rock (Pullets) White Leghorns (Pullets) Assorted (Pullets) Assorted Brahmas (Pullets), Cochins (Pullets) Blue Sapphire Gem (Blue Star) Pullets, Black Australorp (Pullets) Wyandotte's (Gold, Silver & Blue Laced Red (Pullets) White Plymouth Rock (Pullets) Plus! Surprise breeds (Pullets) and rare and hard to find & very rare-breed (Pullets) Assorted colors!
07/17/2024: - Easter Eggers (Pullets & Straight Run) Olive Eggers (Straight Run) Buff Orpingtons (Pullets) Rhode Islands/Production Reds Assorted Sex Link Black/ Brown/Red/Gold) Plymouth Barred Rock (Pullets) White Leghorns (Pullets) Assorted (Pullets) Assorted Brahmas (Pullets), Cochins (Pullets) Blue Sapphire Gem (Blue Star) Pullets, Black Australorp (Pullets) Wyandotte's (Gold, Silver & Blue Laced Red (Pullets) White Plymouth Rock (Pullets) Plus! Surprise breeds (Pullets) and rare and hard to find & very rare-breed (Pullets) Assorted colors!
08/03/2024: - Easter Eggers (Pullets & Straight Run) Olive Eggers (Straight Run) Buff Orpingtons (Pullets) Rhode Islands/Production Reds Assorted Sex Link Black/ Brown/Red/Gold) Plymouth Barred Rock (Pullets) White Leghorns (Pullets) Assorted (Pullets) Assorted Brahmas (Pullets), Cochins (Pullets) Blue Sapphire Gem (Blue Star) Pullets, Black Australorp (Pullets) Wyandotte's (Gold, Silver & Blue Laced Red (Pullets) White Plymouth Rock (Pullets) Plus! Surprise breeds (Pullets) and rare and hard to find & very rare-breed (Pullets) Assorted colors!
All Chicks Are NON-Vaccinated - Chicks, Pullets & Hens Are Treated With DE, Corid & Ivermectin to Prevent Parasites - The Variety Of Breeds & Ages Change Often - Quantities Are Always Changing So Please Call For Availability.
We Are Close To Houston, College Station, Brenham, (Blue Bell Ice Cream!) Austin, (Texas Capital!)
Round Top & Fayetteville (Antique Shopping!)
See Nearby Attractions In the Texas Country!
Open 6 Days a Week !!! Everyday! HOURS OF OPERATION 8 AM TO 4 PM
We are a FAST and easy freeway commute from many cities in central Texas- Blue Star Ranch is about 30 minutes to 1.5 hours from most cities, Houston, Austin, College Station, Katy, San Antonio, Brenham, and Sommerville
Chickens for Sale Houston Texas | Blue Star Ranch Chickens | Backyard Chickens
Feed - Supplies - Chicks - Pullets Laying Hens - Hay - Boxes - Crates
Have your box or cage READY to load poultry. Your box needs breathing holes and a lid or a top to close - Chickens can fly
No, we will not let your chickens ride in the back seat of your car for the ride home!!!
(And I have run out of stupid looks & dumb comments for customers that ask me this question!)
We sell boxes $5
Even better! You can rent our barn and tools! just supply your own lumber and hardware, screws, and nails
We do the work with you or for you! Made by using your own plans or using our templates to build your very own coop.
We can even just "wing it" and build you a new coop from "scratch!"
Many coops built here are "prefab" and can go home with you the very first day! Or we can complete the process for you too.
You can select a whole flock of egg-laying hens and they can start laying eggs tomorrow! Or choose pullets that will be laying their first eggs in a few weeks. Shop for chickens or started pullets online and learn about poultry from our real daily farm life.
Rule #1 a happy and healthy hen....makes eggs! - 10 Amazing Facts About Eggs You Need to Know
Blue Star Ranch is BEST the place to shop for chickens and egg-laying hens. Now at Blue Star Ranch,
you can choose all ages of poultry.
Blue Star Ranch Chickens originate only from parent stock that is certified US Pullorum -Typhoid (NPIP.TX) and US Avian Influenza clean. Further, we do not attend poultry shows or exhibitions that could affect our chicken's health.
Blue Star Ranch is centrally located close to many major cities. And we are about 1.5 hours EASY freeway commute from Houston, College Station, San Antonio, Austin. FAST freeway commute and less traffic to reach Blue Star Ranch.
We are close to Round Top and Fayetteville (Antique shopping!) Burton (Wonderful smoked country sausage!)
Brenham Texas (Blue Bell Ice Cream) Many of our regular customers still visit us from the Houston Texas general area. Also, located close to Katy, Waller, Bryan College Station, Austin, San Antonio, Brenham, and more.
Most seasons Blue Star Ranch houses pullets of all ages and many popular breeds. Each season the breeds will vary based on availability.
Learn About Breeds! Hens Pullets Chicks
Know the breeds you want to purchase before shopping.
Chicken prices are $15 - $55 based on age and breed of poultry
When you get your chickens home to the new coop or brooder, remember to leave them alone to settle down, and it's normal for lots of peeping & clucking as they are getting used to the new area.
It's a good idea to not make changes to the daily routine for your new chickens upon arrival, for "eggsample" keep your chickens on the same feed formula. And remember when moving chickens it can take them a few days to settle down and start laying eggs.
Chicks 0-3 weeks $15 - Small Pullets - $20 -$25 - Medium Pullets - $30- $35 - Large Pullets $40 - $45
Mary Ann Fordyce explains how chickens can be used as currency as well as a food source during economically difficult times.
Austin, Texas - Mary Ann Fordyce has been raising chickens in her own backyard at the Blue Star Ranch for the past 14 years, a venture that was started out of sheer necessity in order to put food on the table. But Mary Ann quickly began to realize that her chicken hobby had tremendous financial possibilities. She now operates a lucrative business out of the Blue Star Ranch, teaching people how to grow and produce chickens, not just for meat and eggs, but also for a steady source of income.
“Chickens are a highly valuable resource,” says Mary Ann. “And in these uncertain times, there’s no better way to ensure the future of yourself and your family.”