Blue Star Ranch - Learn From Real Farmer! How To Care For Chickens - BONUS Build Your Business
Texas ‘Chicken Lady’ Shares a Unique Way to a Steady Source of Food & Income in a Rapidly Changing World
Mary Ann Fordyce explains how chickens can be used as currency as well as a food source during economically difficult times.
Mary Ann points out that chickens were commonly raised for income during the Great Depression. Chickens are also used as currency in many countries around the world, and, indeed, in some countries, anyone with chickens is considered to be wealthy.
“If our economy takes a turn for the worse, and all indications lead me to suspect that it will, the information I have to share could be a lifesaver for a lot of people. I predict that the dollar will crash and a new currency backed by gold will take its place, and I’m not the only one thinking this. That’s why I wrote my book and created my videos.”
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Industry, Texas - Mary Ann Fordyce has been raising chickens in her own backyard at the Blue Star Ranch for the past 14 years, a venture that was started out of sheer necessity in order to put food on the table. But Mary Ann quickly began to realize that her chicken hobby had tremendous financial possibilities. She now operates a lucrative business out of the Blue Star Ranch, teaching people how to grow and produce chickens, not just for meat and eggs, but also for a steady source of income.
“Chickens are a highly valuable resource,” says Mary Ann. “And in these uncertain times, there’s no better way to ensure the future of yourself and your family.”
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